Digestive Support

Most of us have some sort of digestive distress: heartburn, acid re-flux, bloating, flatulence, IBS. Poor diets, too much processed food, stress, anxiety, too much caffeine, not enough water, too sedentary, overworked; all of these things and so much more creates an ineffective & inefficient digestive system. On top of all that are the over-the-counter and prescriptions we take to try and regain balance in the system which can cause even more disruption. 

As dōTERRA® Wellness Advocates, we use the products we share with our friends, family and clients. Below is a list of the products we use and recommend to help with digestive issues.

DigestZen® TerraZyme®
- a digestive enzyme complex that includes a variety of whole-food enzymes which help with digestion of proteins, fats, complex carbohydrates, sugars, fiber and other food nutrients. Includes peppermint, ginger and caraway seed oils to promote gastrointestinal comfort.

DigestZen® Digestive Blend Softgels - these softgels contain the essential oils that are in the DigestZen® essential oil blend, including ginger root, peppermint, caraway seed, coriander seed, anise seed, tarragon, fennel. 

DisgestZen® Digestive Blend - this proprietary blend includes ginger root, peppermint, caraway seed, coriander seed, anise seed, tarragon, fennel. It’s useful for occasional upset stomachs, mild nausea from overeating or bloating. It is available in a 15 ml bottle that is undiluted or 10 ml roller bottle diluted with fractionated coconut oil that makes it easy to take with you while traveling or going about your daily errands. 

If you would like more information about these products or dōTERRA® in general, please feel free to email us at hello@harmonywellnesspdx.com. We have the oils in stock at both of our offices and can order the supplements fairly quickly.

There is a lovely self-care technique you can do when your digestive system is acting up. Place your right hand on the lower right side of your abdomen and with gentle pressure slide up the right side, across the body below the ribs then down the left side, across the lower abdomen and then back up the right side. Continue slowly circling your abdomen until it feels calmer.

Acupressure points for nausea, digestive upset: turn your arm palm side up, place your middle finger on the crease between your palm and wrist - where your index finger lands is “Inner Gate” and the same location on the other side of the arm is “Outer Gate”.  Press those two places between your thumb and index finger with consistent yet gentle pressure; they may be tender at first but as you hold them it will disperse. This works really well with motion sickness.


Avocado Tincture


Therapeutic Bodywork vs Relaxation Massage