Cleaning, Clearing & Charging Crystals
You got some crystals, YAY! Pretty sure they are either still in the bag or box they came in or sitting on your dining room table/kitchen counter/desk as you try to figure out what to do next. Do I have to whisper to them? Say a chant over them? Light candles and incense and sing to them? Well, only if you really want to. Basically, crystals are tools to be used for specific purposes; like screwdrivers tighten loose screws, crystals can balance your mood, charge your water, clean the energy in your new home but you have to have the right tool for the job and they need to be prepped to do that job well. Below are some of the steps you can take to clean, clear and charge your crystals, as well as some FAQ.
New crystals should always be physically & energetically cleaned as soon as you can. Physically cleaning them means either placing them in a bowl of distilled water (or boiled, cooled tap water) and then taking them right out and drying them off. Some crystals will start to disintegrate if left in water. You can also put them in a bowl of sand collected from a nearby body of water. I personally have a bin of sand collected at a few coastal beaches - when I need to clean crystals I pour some into a bowl and bury the stones overnight. Some people like to bury them in their yard, but that’s a lot of work and you need to remember where you buried them.
Energetic cleaning (also known as “clearing”) is where you “erase” whatever programming was placed on the crystal previously or clear out any energies the stones may have picked up in the retail/warehouse space they were in previously. Many reputable crystal shops will clear the rocks before selling or shipping, but it’s still a good idea to do it once you have them in your possession. To energetically clear, use Selenite. This is an amazing crystal in that it will clear energy from all other crystals but it never needs to be cleaned itself. I own several pieces - a tower, a big heart, several wands and a flat chunk that I can put crystals on directly. A couple of hours should be all they need. If you have some that you use regularly, try to clear them every few days just to keep them on task.
Charging crystals is when you tell them what you need them to do for you. Seriously. Gotta give them some directions or they just sit there looking pretty (not a bad thing, just not using them to their fullest potential). For example, you found some nice chunks of raw obsidian that you are going to place outside on the corners of your home for protection. As you place them, you need to say something like “protect my home and all within from all outside threats” or “you are the guardian of my home”. If you have a piece of larimar as a pendant and you want to wear it to help you speak clearly and concisely at your afternoon presentation say “by wearing you close to my throat I use your gentle energy to keep my words clear for all to understand”. They want to work, they just need clarity on what their job is. Just like us.
The Granddaddy of Crystal Cleaning: A full moon! Every few months I haul out ALL my crystals and lay them on my picnic table on a beach towel. It doesn’t matter if you can see the moon or not, the energy of it still blankets the earth. This is good one day on either side of the official full moon. If it is wet in the morning, be sure to dry them all off before taking them back inside.
Q: Should I clean my crystals in salt water?
A: Only if you are doing crystal healing and even then it should be a quick in and out. Salt will break down crystals, so be sure to dry them well or rinse them in plain water and let them air dry.
Q: How often should I clear my crystals?
A: Every time you are done using them for the task you assigned. If you have a crystal programmed for long-term work, like protecting you & your vehicle while commuting, every week you should clean, clear and recharge it.
Q: What about the ones just sitting around looking pretty? Do they need to be cleaned?
A: Yep. You never know what bad energy they may have picked up and unless you’ve got them sequestered away where no one else can see/touch them, you need to clean out that energy too.
Q: A lovely friend gave me a gorgeous necklace with a crystal pendant. Do I need to clean/clear/charge it before I wear it?
A: Yes, IF they didn’t already do it. Ask first, as they may have set an intention specifically for you. If not, this is when having a small piece of selenite comes in super handy. Just pull it out of your purse, hold the two together while you gush about how you can’t wait to wear it, then have your beautiful friend clasp it on. YAY.
Q: What about having my crystals sitting in a window or somewhere sunlight can shine on them?
A: Some crystals will fade if exposed to sunlight, light Amethyst. Others may start fires by amplifying the sun’s rays, like any clear quartz. Most have no problems being in the sun. Sunlight, like moonlight, will clean and recharge your crystals. Just no clear quartz, it’s just not worth burning your house down.